
Non Dream
Pay 3.5

The first round contained 3 sections.
Apti- (RS agarwal questions were the most)
English- contained 2 passages
C/C++ -Preferably, Test Your C/C++ Skills, Exploring C, and ANSI C by K&R.

It was a tougher time in Aditi than Accenture. It was very much disgusting since I could solve only few apti. I felt I was short of time. So next thing to be noted is "TIME MANAGEMENT". Of course aditi's apti were quite solvable but the time was not sufficient. So my advice is "PRACTICE WELL". Because practice is the only thing which makes you feel comfortable in the test and to answer all questions within the specified time. Otherwise, friends you will suffer, I'm warning you and not scaring you. At some point of time I felt "Oh !! God !! I knew every answer but I dint find time to do it". So the next lesson I learnt is
"I SHOULD PRACTICE, PRACTICE TILL PERFECTION". I guess after this my light source was screaming at me during late night,
" DSP !! Let me cool down for sometime please”.
I got to know there were 2 technical and a HR interview.

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